Howdy Everyone! This blog is going to be a forum for my favorites. Enjoy!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Call me Odysseus

For I am on a quest! A quest to find a red lipstick that is dramatic, classy, and utterly fantastic. I understand that this will be a very difficult and mistake riddled venture therefore I am looking to you for support and guidance. Please keep in mind that I am a life long lip gloss addict and this quest is a little intimidating. So what is your favorite type of lipstick and why?

Saturday, July 21, 2007



How's is everyone? I have a couple of things to announce. They are important, please pay close attention.

1. I'm am seriously disappointed in the direction in which is going. In my opinion the once beloved shoe source has been left behind by other online shoe meccas. Therefore, they have been removed from my blog effective immediately.

2. There are 27 days until my birthday.

3. I will be home in 4 days! As much as I love Brazil, the city of Sao Paulo, and the wonderfully hospitable Brazilian people I am ready to be home. Home being the land of diet Dr. Peppers, wide streets, grass, bbq, mediocre sushi, Lucy dogs, and did I mention diet Dr. Peppers?


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Brasil Update...

Watching the news in a language you don't understand only makes you stress out more. The airport is about 10 miles from the hotel, in the center of the city. You can hear the planes flying overhead all the time. It's a domestic airport about the size of the OKC airport. It's all really sad.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Being in Brasil...


1. No matter how empty the mall outside my hotel room looks there are RESOUNDING cheers when Brasil scores a goal against Argentina in the Pan-Am games. I'm fairly certain that the entire city cheers at once. A side note is that the announcer on tv sounds exactly like the OU football guy when he says "It's goooooooooood"

2. Watching tv in Brasil is like watching tv in an alternate universe. I can't find recognizable tv shows in english, and when I do the sound stops working on that channel. I found myself watching US vs Canada Women's softball (in portuguese) because I recognize the game.

3. I've stopped asking what I'm eating. It's better that I don't know.

4. All of my websites automatically change to the Brasil version, google in portuguese is not as helpful.

5. All resturants serve the following every day. Rice, beans, and mystery meat. I have learned to love it.

I'm actually having a good time, despite the somewhat sarcastic observations above. I'll update more soon.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

You Are Paper

Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation.
People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of.
Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans. Your mind is constantly active.
You are quite capable of anything you dream of. You can always figure out a way to get what you want.

You can wrap a rock person up in your sheet of trickery.

A scissor person can sneak up and cut you to pieces.

When you fight: No one can anticipate your next move

If someone makes you mad: You'll attack them mercilessly when they're unprepared

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Welcome to America

Do you have what it takes to become a citizen?

You answered 85% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:

0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.
25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.
45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.
65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.
85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)

Good to know that I'd pass the immigration test.

Happy 4th of July everyone!


Working 9 to 5...

Lisa says:
ok so Lou bought pork shoulder and Steve cooked it for me, and he chopped it, if it is good, we are having bbq nachos for dinner
Abby says:
Abby says:
Good thing we didn't have mexi casserole last night.
Abby says:
We wouldn't have had any chips.
Lisa says:
I think new bag is in the bomb shelter again
Abby says:
Oh okay
Abby says:
It's like we have a chip fairy.
Lisa says:
yea her name is mom

I think the common thread here is me. So I should probably get back to work.
