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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Being in Brasil...


1. No matter how empty the mall outside my hotel room looks there are RESOUNDING cheers when Brasil scores a goal against Argentina in the Pan-Am games. I'm fairly certain that the entire city cheers at once. A side note is that the announcer on tv sounds exactly like the OU football guy when he says "It's goooooooooood"

2. Watching tv in Brasil is like watching tv in an alternate universe. I can't find recognizable tv shows in english, and when I do the sound stops working on that channel. I found myself watching US vs Canada Women's softball (in portuguese) because I recognize the game.

3. I've stopped asking what I'm eating. It's better that I don't know.

4. All of my websites automatically change to the Brasil version, google in portuguese is not as helpful.

5. All resturants serve the following every day. Rice, beans, and mystery meat. I have learned to love it.

I'm actually having a good time, despite the somewhat sarcastic observations above. I'll update more soon.


  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger TransplantedOkie said…

    You fabulous world traveler you!

  • At 3:41 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    So if I posted a comment in Portuguese would it show up in English?

  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Abby said…

    Nope, but this is what I see when I look at my comments. "Este blog não permite comentários anônimos."


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