Howdy Everyone! This blog is going to be a forum for my favorites. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 31, 2006



How is everyone? Well, on this last day of August I feel it is necessary for me to recap what has happened in this most unusually busy month. We moved Dana up to Fayetteville. We celebrated my 23rd birthday. We celebrated my mothers birthday/anniversary. And finally we moved into a new house. Dana's move in day was a carefully orchestrated symphony of SUV's. The housing people have you pull into these zones, they swarm your vehicle to help unload EVERYTHING onto the pavement in your designated parking place then promptly have you move your cars to make space for the next chorus line. Then, you shuttle your belonging to the outrageous elevator line while trying to avoid the dancing SUV's and 18 year old girls that are following their dads trucks so closely that you think they are being towed. It was all really very exciting. Move in day at our new house was also very interesting. We had 8 movers and 2 trucks. It took 6 hours to get our belongings inside the walls of the house. The movers were a very friendly bunch, Dana and I decided that one mover looked remarkably like Snoop Dog. After spending 6 hours with the movers you tend to learn their personalities. Mr. OCD was fascinating to watch, he would come back inside and rearrange the location of all the lamps. He claimed that he couldn't stand the chaos. I think that he has chose the wrong profession because what is moving if not organized chaos. Then we had Sir Bitch-a-lot, he seemed to always pick the items that required him to go upstairs. The majority of items going upstairs were mine and were clearly marked with a bright blue label so I do not feel guilty. I feel like he should have picked up a box without a blue label if he hated stairs so much. And finally, I would like to thank the movers, because without them the move into the new house would never have taken place.


Details, and photos of the new house will be coming soon.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Is it bad luck to kill a pigeon?

I know that it is bad luck to kill a mockingbird, and I even think that Native American's consider it bad luck to kill a crow. But is it bad luck to kill a pigeon?

Let me start out by saying that I was not aiming my SUV at the pigeon. The pigeon hit me during my morning commute on I-40. The pigeon was flying about 4 feet high and looked like he was banking a curve for a landing when he hit the bottom corner of my windshield with a loud "thump". It really all happened in slow motion. My Dad decided that the pigeon's name was probably Ralph, and he had a New York accent. Erin decided that I was doing Mother Nature a favor by weeding out the 'retarded genes' in the pigeon gene pool.

I'm really in shock about the whole thing.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday dear me!
Happy Birthday to me!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

An Ideal Sunday


How is everyone? I'm good, thanks. Today is Sunday, and there are 10 days until my birthday. I'm spending the day watching my new "Swiss Family Robinson" DVD, thanks to It's an ideal Sunday.

I hope that each one of you is enjoying an ideal Sunday, filled with relaxation, laughter, family, and of course, Ho-Ho's.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Warm up your singing voices...

I would like to announce that there are 17 days until my birthday!

Woo hoo!