Howdy Everyone! This blog is going to be a forum for my favorites. Enjoy!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Steam Of Consciousness Monday

So I accidentally ate a mini Butterfinger today. I was not happy, it was a bad experience and if I hadn't been at my desk I would have spit it out. This 'accident' is not like an 'accident' where I buy a new pair of shoes. This was a real accidental eating.

My favorite candy bar is a Baby Ruth, which is what I thought I'd grabbed out of the candy bowl. Imagine my shock and dismay.

In other news, both Erin and I have MASTERED the fine art of yeast rolls. I made 60 rolls in the course of 4 days, I believe that's masterful.

Next year, I'm taking 'Cyber Monday' off from work so I can surf the internet without dirty looks.

People, I really want you to check out the following site. This is an honest way to get cash back from your online purchases. I know people that use it regularly and get cash back checks in the mail. You can't beat that with a stick, WITH A STICK I TELL YOU.

That is all.



  • At 1:48 PM, Blogger Lisa said…

    The yeast rolls were the hit of several organized eating extravaganzas this long weekend!

    Online shopping has reached a new level with rebates for shopping!

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger TransplantedOkie said…

    I would say that Erin's yeast rolls were a huge success. I was so incredily impressed with both of you!


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