Howdy Everyone! This blog is going to be a forum for my favorites. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Dear Jesus and your little brother Biff,

Thank you for allowing us to twirl around Maryland like the babes we are!

Thank you for landing my plane safely in the middle of a lightning storm with a comedian for a pilot.

Thank you for not letting Erin, Mrs. Ann or myself get shanked on the metro.

Thank you for filling my absolution quota for the year because I'm Baptist.

Thank you for the crustacean nation and all the seafood we enjoyed.

Thank you for Visa and all the stores that accept it.

Thank you for the little light that shines and the fiery bush that can't be blown out.

Thank you for the 25 year old bottle of scotch that gave Steve the giggles.

Thank you for all of Steve's Diet Dr. Pepper that I consumed.

Thank you for all the laughter that scrubbed our souls clean.

Oh, and if you talk to God make sure to use your inside voice.



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