About Me
- Name: Abby
- Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Howdy! A couple of things about me. I'm 25 years old. I have a bachelor's degree in history from the University of Oklahoma. I have a relatively cool job in the cotton trading industry.
Howdy Everyone! This blog is going to be a forum for my favorites. Enjoy!
At 10:14 AM, TransplantedOkie said…
I am THRILLED on your behalf
At 10:34 AM, Lisa said…
I too am so happy for you!
At 11:35 AM, Erin said…
There goes Abby's 401K...
At 11:40 AM, TransplantedOkie said…
PS - The Washington Post just did a big article on HEATED eyelash curlers and the one to have is, of course, found at Sephora.
At 12:10 PM, Abby said…
You can accomplish the same thing by zapping your eye lash curler with the blow dryer for 3 seconds. It's the newest rage. :-)
At 1:06 PM, TransplantedOkie said…
STOP! Are you kidding me? Have you tried it? Does it work?
At 1:32 PM, Abby said…
It really works, just don't leave the dryer on the curler too long or it will get too hot and burn your lashes. I seriously cannot contain my excitement over this store!
At 5:39 PM, tigerdrea said…
All mighty and powerful Abby, I need help. 26 and wrinkles is not right. What's a girl to do??
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